Meet the Team
A Letter from the Team
Dear Friend,
We know that this is the last thing you wanted. Abuse. Death. Depression. Divorce. Illness. Violence. Despair. It can feel so heavy. Crushing, even. The dreams that you once had lay shattered on the floor and you are left to pick up the pieces. Maybe you feel damaged beyond repair. Broken. Worthless. Maybe you have lost all desire to keep going. Oh, friend. Do not lose hope. There is no story that is beyond the reach of God’s grace. Because of Jesus, the most distressing of circumstances can be turned into something unconventionally beautiful. God stretches his arms out to us, even when we try to run. He holds us in his arms, even when we feel so far from him. He listens to our every word, even when the silence is deafening. He loves us, even when we feel shattered. You may feel angry. You may feel betrayed. You may have questions. We know. We’ve stood where you stand. We’ve shaken our fist at the heavens. We’ve questioned. We’ve doubted. We’ve wrestled. We’ve kicked and screamed and cursed. We’ve felt the loving arms of the Father begin to mend out hearts as we reach up and reach out, grabbed onto the hands of others, grabbing on to faith, and clawing our way back to light. No matter what you’ve done, no matter where you’ve been, no matter what you believe, we welcome you here. It is our hope that we can come alongside one another, event at our lowest lows, and lead one another out of the darkness. This is about authentically sharing our stories and giving hope to those who are feeling hopeless. In this, we all can find a common ground, and we all can join together, hand-in-hand. It is about wrestling, questioning, and seeking truth together. And in this, coming alive. There is always, always hope.
So much love to you,
The On Coming Alive Team
Meet the Team
Amelia Kowalisyn, Outreach Director,
Amelia Kowalisyn is the mother of twins, Alex who is 19 months old and Emma Rose who is loving their family from up in heaven. Amelia and her husband Joe started the charity Emma’s Footprints to provide support to NICU and bereaved families after the loss of their daughter in 2014. Amelia spends her time raising her beautiful baby boy, running Emma’s Footprints, as the Director of Outreach for, and bringing awareness to both infant loss and premature birth.
Kristin Hernandez, Public Relations Director,
Kristin Hernandez is wife to Chris and mommy to Ethan, who lives in heaven. She lives in Southern California, where she enjoys writing, running, going to the mountains, and having a good conversation over a cup of coffee. She works full-time by day in the PR world and lends her talents and skills as part of the OCA Team.
Rebecca Tillmann, Community Director,
Rebecca Tillmann lives in Gainesville, Florida. She is the wife to Jacob, and mother to Grant (6), Gavin (4), Ethan and Mason in heaven. She is passionate about loving and connecting with other mothers through MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International. And makes it through each day with a lot of help from Jesus, family, friends, and coffee. You’ll find Rebecca shipping out our OCA shop purchases, responding compassionately to emails, and planning our upcoming conferences.
Jessi Snapp, Creative Director,
Jessi Snapp is a wife and a mother to one child here and three she carries in her heart. She is a writer, artist, and a student currently pursuing a degree in Social Work with a minor in Psychology. In 2014, after the passing of her youngest son, she founded Luminous Light Studio where she creates heartfelt art for bereaved parents in memory of their children. She has a heart for helping grieving parents find the light after loss and works as the Creative Director for On Coming Alive.
Lexi Behrndt, Founder,
Lexi Behrndt is the founder of On Coming Alive and writer of Scribbles and Crumbs. She is a single mother to two boys— one here and one in heaven, a freelance writer, and a communications director in Florida.
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